20-minute short film, produced at Hamburg Media School.
Screenplay: Christina Reuter
Director: Nadiia Khatymlianska
Production: Anton Finkeldei
Cinematography: Jan Fecke
Production Design: Sophia Beek & Amira Lin

Timeless tells the story of a world where everything revolves around work. It occupies the entire day and is the only activity people have when they are not eating or sleeping. It is the story of a society in which everyone has a task. Everyone makes an important contribution. No one has to worry about how to spend their time. Every life has a purpose.

One of these people is Lia. Her life has been completely uneventful—until one morning when her time-keeping assistant fails, throwing her life into disarray. Suddenly, she is late for work, her productivity scores drop alarmingly, and when she starts dreaming at night, her supervisor, Mr. Fleiß, has no choice but to punish her by assigning her to work from home.

There, she meets her rebellious neighbor Paula, who opens the door to a new world. Now Lia must make a choice: Will she dare to embrace chaos, or will she try to restore order?


Miniatures for "QUEER"